Policy Roadmap to European Policies for Living-Lab-Based Open Schooling

[...] * Lack of stakeholders’ commitment. Open schooling is often the only feasible alternative for increasing access to quality secondary education citing its flexible and indiscriminate enrolment system which offers opportunity to a wide range of individual needs. From this study conducted in Malawi, it emerged that the lack of stakeholder’s commitment to open schools is evident in the way open schools are established and organised which largely focuses on income generation for teachers rather than as an alternative route for increasing access to quality secondary education. This results in overcrowded classes which makes facilitation, assessment and other learner support systems difficult to provide. Even teachers’ participation in the open schools largely depend on the finances generated as some choose not to facilitate in the open school if they see that funds are not enough. The implication of this is the increase of cases of teachers teaching the subjects which they are not qualified to teach which in turn negatively affects open school learners’ performance.